BHT Sussex
We provide housing, and deliver support, specialist advice and guidance to people across Sussex.
BHT Sussex
We provide housing, and deliver support, specialist advice and guidance to people across Sussex.
Combating Homelessness, Creating Opportunities, Promoting Change
BHT Sussex is a housing association and a homeless charity. We provide essential services across Brighton & Hove, Eastbourne and Hastings, as well as elsewhere in Sussex. We see it as our role to both challenge the causes of homelessness, poverty and marginalisation and to deal with the consequences.
News & Events
World Homeless Day and World Mental Health Day marked across BHT Sussex
5km swimming fundraiser taking place in Brighton next month
Brighton Legal Walk raises £5,200 for advice agencies
Real life stories from BHT Sussex
After expanding our Immigration Legal Team in recent years, we have been able to assist in more specialist immigration cases that involve domestic violence. Although most immigration cases are complicated, it can be particularly difficult to work through the layers to help someone remain in the UK when someone has experienced domestic violence. A clear example of this is Kosi’s case, who was concerned she wouldn’t be able to remain in the UK if she left her spouse. This is her story. Kosi is originally from Ghana and had been living in the UK for several years with her husband … Read more