Work, Learning & Employment
BHT Sussex provides a wide range of support to help individuals access work and training.
Work, Learning & Employment
BHT Sussex provides a wide range of support to help individuals access work and training.
BHT Sussex's work and learning projects offer a wide range of activities aimed at helping people access training and employment, including work placements, informal training, hands on experience and formal qualifications.
Find out about
Work Placement Programme
This programme provides short workplace opportunities, supporting people who are in homeless supported accommodation to gain practical workplace experience to help access employment.
Accommodation for Work
BHT Sussex's Accommodation for Work project aims to help homeless people off the streets and into employment and independent accommodation.
Real life stories from BHT Sussex
Struggling to find employment despite incredible effort can have a big impact on someone’s health and wellbeing. This was the case with Scotty, who found it difficult to identify a clear path into work after being failed by multiple services. This, coupled with the difficulty of managing a chronic illness, made Scotty feel hopeless. However, after working with BHT Sussex’s Intern Programme, who supported Scotty and his specific needs, Scotty found a way through. This is his story. Feeling hopeless “My life was pretty bleak for many years, and I did not see much of a future ahead of me. … Read more
After going through the difficult journey of recovering from addiction and sleeping rough, being in secure employment can offer purpose to someone’s life. This is the story of Ross, who turned their life around with the help of our Intern Programme, and our Housing Services. “On 31st October 2014, I went into Mill View Hospital Promenade Ward for an alcohol and diazepam detox. Up until my hospital admission, I was street homeless, rough sleeping and begging for change on the streets of Brighton, Hove and Sussex. I was just over 8 stone in weight and had lost most of my … Read more
For most of us we get our identity and status from what we do. BHT Sussex’s Intern Programme was set up to prepare people with a history of homelessness, mental ill health or addictions to make that transition from unemployment into work.
Charlie is a 32 year old white British male. He was born with congenital hand deformities, as well as structural defects which cause lifelong incontinence issues. Charlie was bullied during his school years and began using alcohol and cannabis aged 14. In his early 20’s he found employment as a telesales advisor and an early year’s child practitioner. However, each job didn’t last more than 12 months due to his increasing substance misuse.