Client Involvement

BHT Sussex is committed to engaging and involving our clients to help shape and improve our services, in Brighton & Hove, Eastbourne, Hastings, Mid Sussex, Crawley, Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill. Current opportunities include the following:
Every year we ask our clients and tenants to let us know what we are doing well and where we need to improve. We then publish a report on the survey, and follow up any areas of concern in focus groups to see how they can be resolved.Â
BHT Sussex is committed to client and tenant representation at all levels of the organisation.
In 2018, Gerry Main, current tenant and previous client of BHT Sussex was selected to join the Board of Trustees, following a recruitment process. In 2023, Mary Davies was also selected to join the Board. Mary is also a current client of BHT Sussex. Both bring a valuable wealth of lived experience and knowledge to the Board.
 Since their election, they have become heavily involved in representing the views of the tenants to the Board and thus contributing to a more efficient and effective BHT Sussex policy making process.
BHT Sussex is committed to client and tenant representation at all levels of the organisation. Watch this space for future opportunities to apply to the Board.
BHT Sussex hold focus groups that are open to all clients and tenants. The topics of these groups are determined by areas of concern raised in the annual tenant and client snapshot survey.
If you are interested in joining future focus groups, please get in touch with Anna Kuzan (
Every year we hold a ‘BHT Sussex in Bloom’ gardening competition across all housing and client services.
This year’s categories are:
- Best communal garden
- Most environmentally friendly garden
- Best individual garden/best indoor plants
The closing date for entries is 5th July. Judges will be visiting the entrants on 12th July to pick the winners.
To enter in any category, contact Anna Kuzan or 07500 972509. If you would like some free seeds to get started, also contact Anna.
Winners will receive a £30 B&Q voucher. Runners up will receive a £10 B&Q voucher.
Volunteering Opportunities
You may also be interested in volunteer opportunities posted here