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Involvement & Co-production with People with Multiple and Complex Needs

Service User Involvement is the active participation of a person with lived experience within services, systems and communities.

Co-production is a high level of such participation that involves sharing control with those using (or who have used) a service, and ensures they have equal influence over the design, delivery and commissioning of any service that affects them.


What is Co-production?

Learn more about our definition of Co-production, our ethos and values.


Co-production in Practice

Resources and practical guides.

ladder of involvement

Ladder of Involvement:

At Fulfilling Lives South East we acknowledge and understand the different levels of service user involvement or participation that can be achieved in each organisation.

Co-production is the highest level of involvement with regards to equality between service and service user. On the Ladder of Involvement, the higher you climb, the more equal the relationship, and the better the outcome.

We encourage organisations to co-produce but recognise it may not always be suitable or possible:​

  • What is appropriate?​
  • What is safe for participants?
  • Which method will be authentic in practice?
  • What resources do you have?

Video: Just Beyond Yourself

Follow the personal journey of a former volunteer and member of our Action Group, who talks about how she found her feet as an employee at Fulfilling Lives.


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