BHT Sussex urges news government to fix housing crisis

BHT Sussex is calling for the new government to take urgent steps to tackle the housing crisis, joining the National Housing Federation’s #PlanForHousing campaign. The campaign calls for a national long-term plan to transform the housing system, and brings together Housing Associations across the country who want to collaborate with the government to deliver it. BHT Sussex provides social housing and is a member of the National Housing Federation. As a social landlord, we provided 481 households and individuals across Sussex with community housing last year, alongside our work providing supported accommodation and specialist services for vulnerable people. The National … Read more

BHT Sussex launches new strategic plan

We are delighted to share our new strategic plan, setting out our vision and commitments for the next three years. It outlines how we will continue to empower people to overcome homelessness, poverty, addiction and mental ill health, focusing our work around three central pillars of sustainability, quality and growth. BHT Sussex has a long history of providing homes, essential services and person-centred support, working in partnership with local councils, the NHS and voluntary organisations. We have grown in recent years, for example expanding our homelessness prevention work in East Sussex and our mental health services in Mid Sussex, and … Read more

Fantastic staff fundraiser cycles to Spain for First Base!

We are delighted to report that Mark Mansbridge, an inspiring supporter and staff member at BHT Sussex, completed his 2,400km-long sponsored bike ride from Brighton to the south of Spain last month. He is raising money for First Base, our day centre for rough sleepers in Brighton and Hove. First Base Day Centre is often the first point of contact for those who find themselves on the streets. People can shower, get a hot meal and wash their clothes, as well as get the support and advice they need to move away from homelessness for good. Last year 6,856 visits … Read more

Latest BHT Sussex annual review out now!

The latest publication from BHT Sussex, A Year in Review, is out now! This review looks back at some of the great work that has been happening at BHT Sussex over the past year, in the words of clients, staff and partners. We give an update on some of our newer initiatives, such as the East Sussex Floating Support Service and our projects supporting Ukrainian refugees and expanding mental health support in Mid Sussex. We explain about our campaign for fair treatment for hostel residents, Make Work Pay for Everyone, and how new government funding is helping us house and … Read more

Our Chief Executive David Chaffey responds to the government’s Autumn Statement

It was a relief last week to have our view at BHT Sussex confirmed that not only did the previous Home Secretary’s views on why people sleep in tents on the street not represent those of the general public, neither did they resonate even within her own Party. This week saw a move away from the internal struggles of the Government to the all-important Autumn Statement with implications as always for individuals, organisations and society at large. The Chancellor has four pillars to his economic approach: Enterprise, Education, Employment and Everywhere. These are key areas for the wide range of … Read more

Hardship Fund set up for victims of Brighton fire

BHT Sussex has set up a Hardship Fund for residents affected by the recent fire at one of our properties in Brighton, in response to local people wishing to offer their support. The fire broke out at Richard Allen Court on the evening of 3 October and the tenants of the 12 flats affected were swiftly evacuated and moved to temporary accommodation. All are safe, though some had minor injuries which they were treated for in hospital. Our Chief Executive David Chaffey attended the scene on the night of the incident, along with the local authority Emergency Response Team, firefighters … Read more

New report on First Base published!

BHT Sussex has released a new impact report focused on First Base, our Day Centre for people experiencing homelessness in Brighton and Hove. First Base is well known in the city for providing practical help to people who are sleeping rough or insecurely housed, including food, showers, clean and dry clothes, and support to get off the streets. This report also shows how First Base acts as hub for numerous partners to provide a wide range of services, from specialised health clinics to addiction and mental health support. Last year, First Base supported 366 people to move away from rough … Read more

Improving our website accessibility

We have recently made some changes to the BHT Sussex website to further improve accessibility. People who have hearing, visual and certain other physical and cognitive impairments can find it all but impossible to use many websites. Even though a person may be set up on their end with all the necessary hardware needed to translate content into a format that they can use, if a given site is not set up to be accessible then they will not be able to use the site. There are many things we do to make our website as accessible as possible. These … Read more

BHT Sussex seeks new Board members

BHT Sussex is looking for new Board members to support our vital work. BHT Sussex is an organisation made up of interlinked projects and services that empower people to overcome homelessness, poverty, addiction and mental ill health. The effects of the Covid pandemic and the growing cost of living crisis, together with insufficient social housing, bring uncertainty and opportunities which make the services and support that we provide more important than ever. BHT Sussex is a people-led organisation. Last year we supported more than ten thousand clients and tenants. We prevented more than 2,500 people from becoming homeless, through services … Read more

More funds for Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Programme

BHT Sussex has received Home Office Funding to expand the High Harm Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Programme. The Government has announced that Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne has been awarded £1.34m funding from the Home Office Domestic Abuse & Stalking Perpetrator fund. This funding will support the ongoing efforts of the Sussex Complex Domestic Abuse and Stalking Unit, in partnership with several local agencies, to enhance the High Harm Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Programme. The primary objective of this initiative is to minimise the harm inflicted by perpetrators of domestic abuse, and further explore effective strategies for supporting offenders … Read more

UK Emergency Alert test on Sunday 23 April

This Sunday 23 April 2023, at 3pm, the government will be testing a new emergency alert system. Everyone will receive a message on the home screen of their mobile phone, along with a sound and vibration for up to ten seconds. The message will say: This is a test of Emergency Alerts, a new UK government service that will warn you if there’s a life-threatening emergency nearby. In a real emergency, follow the instructions in the alert to keep yourself and others safe. Visit for more information. This is a test. You do not need to take any action. … Read more

New BHT Sussex campaign: Make Work Pay For Everyone

BHT Sussex has launched a new campaign which seeks to change the system that discriminates against homeless hostel residents who start work. BHT Sussex is to press the Government to end an unfairness in the benefits system which results in homeless hostel residents being financially disadvantaged when they start working. This is a national problem affecting both individuals and the economy as a whole. We are lobbying MPs and parliamentary groups to ask for a change in the way earnings are calculated by Housing Benefit to match how earnings are calculated by Universal Credit. Our Accommodation for Work Project, funded … Read more

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